
Augmented Style: Virtual Try-On Clothing App

This innovative app revolutionizes shopping by enabling users to virtually try on clothes. Using augmented reality, it simulates a fitting room experience, allowing exploration and selection of outfits, enhancing convenience and reshaping how fashion enthusiasts discover and shop for apparel.


Steps For Development Of Virtual Try-On Clothing


Developing a virtual try-on mobile app using Flutter involves several key steps:

  1. Market Research:

    • Understand user preferences, market trends, and competitor analysis to identify essential features and unique selling points.
  2. Define Objectives:

    • Clearly outline the goals—whether it's convenience, fashion exploration, or bridging online-offline shopping experiences.
  3. Identify Target Audience:

    • Determine demographics, style preferences, and pain points to tailor the app accordingly.
  4. Platform Selection:

    • Choose the development platform (iOS, Android, or both) and consider whether to build a native or hybrid app.
  5. UI/UX Design:

    • Create an intuitive, visually appealing interface focusing on virtual try-on features and straightforward navigation.
  6. Backend & Frontend Development:

    • Develop the infrastructure, including catalog management, virtual try-on technology, and secure payment gateways.
  7. Augmented Reality Integration:

    • Implement AR technology for users to virtually try on clothing, utilizing their device's camera.
  8. Testing:

    • Conduct rigorous testing for functionality, user experience, and cross-device compatibility.
  9. Launch & Marketing:

    • Launch the app with marketing campaigns highlighting its unique features and benefits.
  10. User Feedback & Updates:

    • Gather post-launch user feedback to iterate, enhance features, fix bugs, and continually improve the app.

These steps aim to ensure a comprehensive approach to developing a Virtual Try-On Clothing App, focusing on user needs, functionality, and a seamless virtual shopping experience.

Project Development Detail

2 Months



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List Of Screens For Virtual Try-On Clothing App

For a  custom AR mobile app, the following screens are typically essential to provide a seamless user experience:

  1. Onboarding/Welcome Screen:

    •  Introduction to the app, registration, or login options.
  2. Home/Explore:

    • Display of featured or trending clothing items and categories.
  3. Product Catalog:

    • Sections for browsing various clothing items, including filters for styles, sizes, and brands.
  4. Virtual Try-On Feature:

    • Augmented reality interface enabling users to virtually try on clothes using their device's camera.
  5. Product Details:

    • Detailed information, size charts, materials, and user reviews for each clothing item.
  6. Wishlist/Save Items:

    • Capability to save favorite items for future consideration or purchase.
  7. Shopping Cart:

    • View selected items, manage quantities, and proceed to checkout.
  8. Checkout & Payment:

    • Secure payment gateway for purchasing chosen clothing items.
  9. User Profile:

    • Manage account settings, order history, saved items, and preferences.
  10. Feedback & Support:

    • Section for user queries, feedback submission, or customer support.


These screens together form the essential components of an Augmented Style: Virtual Try-On Clothing App, facilitating a seamless and engaging virtual shopping experience for users.

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Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality